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Bakugan Battle Brawlers

Dan Kuso's life changed one day when cards fell out of the sky, which he and his friend Shun used to invent a game called Bakugan. With other friends, they form a group called the Bakugan Battle Brawlers, and then are accidentally dragged into fighting for the fate of Vestroia (the Bakugan's home dimension). Vestroia loses its natural balance and merges with the Earth and many other worlds. An evil Bakugan called Naga was tempted to take the power of the Infinity and Silent Cores, which formed the Perfect Core that balanced Vestroia, but absorbed too much negative energy and thus was trapped within the Silent Core and destabilised Vestroia. So Dan and the brawlers decided to bring back balance by meeting new friends and allies in the other worlds, learn more about the origin of the Bakugan; and facing Naga, a rogue bakugan who seeks the mighty Infinity Core so that he could complete the all-powerful Perfect Core and have almighty power and absolute control over Earth and Vestroia.

ResimSezon SırasıToplam Sırasıİngilizce İsimTürkçe İsimYönetmenYazar
11Ryû no senshiRyû no senshiKyungjun Choi,Mitsuo Hashimoto,Hiroshi IshidaJoe Casey,Joe Kelly,Atsushi Maekawa
22Masquerade BallMasquerade BallKyungjun Choi,Mitsuo Hashimoto,Masami FurukawaJoe Casey,Joe Kelly,Atsushi Maekawa
33A Feud Between FriendsA Feud Between FriendsKyungjun Choi,Mitsuo Hashimoto,Hiroyuki OkunoJoe Casey,Katsumi Hasegawa,Joe Kelly
44Dan and DragoDan and DragoKyungjun Choi,Mitsuo Hashimoto,Toshihiro IshikawaJoe Casey,Katsumi Hasegawa,Joe Kelly
55Runo RulesRuno RulesKyungjun Choi,Mitsuo Hashimoto,Chikayo NakamuraJoe Casey,Joe Kelly,Atsushi Maekawa
66A Combination BattleA Combination BattleKyungjun Choi,Mitsuo Hashimoto,Masami FurukawaJoe Casey,Yoshifumi Fukushima,Joe Kelly
77Bakugan IdolBakugan IdolKyungjun Choi,Mitsuo Hashimoto,Ryô YasumuraJoe Casey,Joe Kelly,Atsushi Maekawa
88Girls Just Wanna Have FunGirls Just Wanna Have FunKyungjun Choi,Mitsuo Hashimoto,Takatoshi SuzukiJoe Casey,Joe Kelly,Atsushi Maekawa
99Fight or Flight!Fight or Flight!Kyungjun Choi,Mitsuo Hashimoto,Shintaro ItogaJoe Casey,Joe Kelly,Atsushi Maekawa
1010A Perfect MatchA Perfect MatchKyungjun Choi,Mitsuo Hashimoto,Atsushi NigorikawaJoe Casey,Joe Kelly,Atsushi Maekawa
1111Grandpa's Got a Brand New BakuganGrandpa's Got a Brand New BakuganKyungjun Choi,Mitsuo Hashimoto,Hiroyuki OkunoJoe Casey,Katsumi Hasegawa,Joe Kelly
1212Bakugan StallBakugan StallKyungjun Choi,Mitsuo Hashimoto,Ryô YasumuraJoe Casey,Joe Kelly,Atsushi Maekawa
1313Just for the Shun of ItJust for the Shun of ItKyungjun Choi,Mitsuo Hashimoto,Matsuo AsamiJoe Casey,Yoshifumi Fukushima,Joe Kelly
1414The Story of VestroiaThe Story of VestroiaKyungjun Choi,Mitsuo Hashimoto,Ryô YasumuraJoe Casey,Joe Kelly,Atsushi Maekawa
1515Duel in the DesertDuel in the DesertKyungjun Choi,Mitsuo Hashimoto,Yukio OkazakiJoe Casey,Joe Kelly,Atsushi Maekawa
1616No Guts No GloryNo Guts No GloryKyungjun Choi,Mitsuo Hashimoto,Shintaro ItogaJoe Casey,Katsumi Hasegawa,Joe Kelly
1717B.F.F. - Best Friends ForeverB.F.F. - Best Friends ForeverKyungjun Choi,Mitsuo Hashimoto,Hirotoshi RissenJoe Casey,Joe Kelly,Atsushi Maekawa
1919Julie Plays Hard BrawlJulie Plays Hard BrawlKyungjun Choi,Mitsuo Hashimoto,Ryô YasumuraJoe Casey,Joe Kelly,Atsushi Maekawa
2020A Little Help from My Friends!A Little Help from My Friends!Kyungjun Choi,Mitsuo Hashimoto,Yuu KosakaJoe Casey,Joe Kelly,Atsushi Maekawa
2121My Good FriendMy Good FriendKyungjun Choi,Mitsuo Hashimoto,Ryô YasumuraJoe Casey,Joe Kelly,Atsushi Maekawa
2222Drago's on FireDrago's on FireKyungjun Choi,Mitsuo Hashimoto,Yukio OkazakiJoe Casey,Joe Kelly,Atsushi Maekawa
2323Say It Ain't So, Joe!Say It Ain't So, Joe!Kyungjun Choi,Mitsuo Hashimoto,Shintaro ItogaJoe Casey,Yoshifumi Fukushima,Joe Kelly
2424The Secret of Success!The Secret of Success!Kyungjun Choi,Mitsuo Hashimoto,Hiromichi MatanoJoe Casey,Joe Kelly,Atsushi Maekawa
2525Trust MeTrust MeKyungjun Choi,Mitsuo Hashimoto,Tsuyoshi YoshimotoJoe Casey,Katsumi Hasegawa,Joe Kelly
2626Doom Dimension or Bust!Doom Dimension or Bust!Kyungjun Choi,Mitsuo Hashimoto,Ryô YasumuraJoe Casey,Joe Kelly,Atsushi Maekawa
2828Molt's RevoltMolt's RevoltKyungjun Choi,Mitsuo Hashimoto,Ryô YasumuraAtsushi Maekawa,Atsushi Maekawa,Michitoshi Sugimoto
2929Nightmare in DoomsvilleNightmare in Doomsvillen/An/A
3030I am Marucho! Hear Me Roar!I am Marucho! Hear Me Roar!n/An/A
3131A Place Far from HomeA Place Far from Homen/An/A
3232Play Nice, Runo!Play Nice, Runo!n/An/A
3333Episode #1.33Episode #1.33n/An/A
3434Home Sweet Home (Light in the Darkness)Home Sweet Home (Light in the Darkness)n/An/A
3535Dan's Last Stand (Hot Hearts)Dan's Last Stand (Hot Hearts)n/An/A
3636Show Me What You've Got! (Summer Snow)Show Me What You've Got! (Summer Snow)n/An/A
3737You Say You Want an Evolution! (Dangerous Couple)You Say You Want an Evolution! (Dangerous Couple)n/An/A
3838Behind the Mask of Masquerade (Fight!)Behind the Mask of Masquerade (Fight!)n/An/A
3939Masquerade Unmasked (Never-ending Journey)Masquerade Unmasked (Never-ending Journey)n/An/A
4141A Fish Called Tayghen (World of Ice)A Fish Called Tayghen (World of Ice)n/An/A
4242The Race to Vestroia (I Can't Stop It)The Race to Vestroia (I Can't Stop It)n/An/A
4343Next Stop Naga-Vile (Soldier's Rest)Next Stop Naga-Vile (Soldier's Rest)n/An/A
4444It's a Long Shot! (Sniping)It's a Long Shot! (Sniping)n/An/A
4545Ground Control to Major Dan (Do You Think This is a Joke?)Ground Control to Major Dan (Do You Think This is a Joke?)n/An/A
4646The One Hit Wonders (Man's Decoration)The One Hit Wonders (Man's Decoration)n/An/A
4747Here's Mud in Your Eye! (Good Night Baby)Here's Mud in Your Eye! (Good Night Baby)n/An/A
4848R is for Revenge (This Is My Path of Living)R is for Revenge (This Is My Path of Living)n/An/A
4949Showdown in Wardington (Broken-Winged Angel)Showdown in Wardington (Broken-Winged Angel)n/An/A
5050The Good, the Bad and the Bakugan (For Us There Is No Tomorrow)The Good, the Bad and the Bakugan (For Us There Is No Tomorrow)n/An/A
5151The Final Brawl (Burning Life)The Final Brawl (Burning Life)n/An/A
5252Game Over (Number One Battle Brawlers)Game Over (Number One Battle Brawlers)n/An/A

ResimSezon SırasıToplam Sırasıİngilizce İsimTürkçe İsimYönetmenYazar
153Invasion of the VestalsInvasion of the VestalsKyungjun Choi,Mitsuo HashimotoJoe Casey,Shelley Hoffman,Joe Kelly
254Facing AceFacing AceKyungjun Choi,Mitsuo HashimotoJoe Casey,Shelley Hoffman,Joe Kelly
355Get PsychedGet PsychedKyungjun Choi,Mitsuo HashimotoJoe Casey,Shelley Hoffman,Joe Kelly
456Marucho's MissionMarucho's MissionKyungjun Choi,Mitsuo HashimotoJoe Casey,Shelley Hoffman,Joe Kelly
557Taste of DefeatTaste of DefeatKyungjun Choi,Mitsuo HashimotoJoe Casey,Shelley Hoffman,Joe Kelly
658Return of a FriendReturn of a FriendKyungjun Choi,Mitsuo HashimotoJoe Casey,Shelley Hoffman,Joe Kelly
759Cyber NightmareCyber NightmareKyungjun Choi,Mitsuo HashimotoJoe Casey,Shelley Hoffman,Joe Kelly
860What's the Plan?What's the Plan?Kyungjun Choi,Mitsuo HashimotoJoe Casey,Shelley Hoffman,Joe Kelly
961Freedom RunFreedom RunKyungjun Choi,Mitsuo HashimotoJoe Casey,Shelley Hoffman,Joe Kelly
1062Surprise VisitorSurprise VisitorKyungjun Choi,Mitsuo HashimotoJoe Casey,Shelley Hoffman,Joe Kelly
1163Gate CrashersGate CrashersKyungjun Choi,Mitsuo HashimotoJoe Casey,Shelley Hoffman,Joe Kelly
1264UnmaskedUnmaskedKyungjun Choi,Mitsuo HashimotoJoe Casey,Shelley Hoffman,Joe Kelly
1365Voices in the NightVoices in the NightKyungjun Choi,Mitsuo HashimotoJoe Casey,Shelley Hoffman,Joe Kelly
1466Duel in the DunesDuel in the DunesKyungjun Choi,Mitsuo HashimotoJoe Casey,Shelley Hoffman,Joe Kelly
1567Last One StandingLast One StandingKyungjun Choi,Mitsuo HashimotoJoe Casey,Shelley Hoffman,Joe Kelly
1668Show Me the PowerShow Me the PowerKyungjun Choi,Mitsuo HashimotoJoe Casey,Shelley Hoffman,Joe Kelly
1769Dude, Where's My Bakugan?Dude, Where's My Bakugan?Kyungjun Choi,Mitsuo HashimotoJoe Casey,Shelley Hoffman,Joe Kelly
1870Gone, Gone Bakugan!Gone, Gone Bakugan!Kyungjun Choi,Mitsuo HashimotoJoe Casey,Shelley Hoffman,Joe Kelly
1971Family TiesFamily TiesKyungjun Choi,Mitsuo HashimotoJoe Casey,Shelley Hoffman,Joe Kelly
2072Beta City BluesBeta City BluesKyungjun Choi,Mitsuo HashimotoJoe Casey,Shelley Hoffman,Joe Kelly
2173Brotherly LoveBrotherly LoveKyungjun Choi,Mitsuo HashimotoJoe Casey,Shelley Hoffman,Joe Kelly
2274Underground TakedownUnderground TakedownKyungjun Choi,Mitsuo HashimotoJoe Casey,Shelley Hoffman,Joe Kelly
2375Wall to Wall BrawlWall to Wall BrawlKyungjun Choi,Mitsuo HashimotoJoe Casey,Shelley Hoffman,Joe Kelly
2476Ultimate BakuganUltimate BakuganKyungjun Choi,Mitsuo HashimotoJoe Casey,Shelley Hoffman,Joe Kelly
2577Final CountdownFinal CountdownKyungjun Choi,Mitsuo HashimotoJoe Casey,Shelley Hoffman,Joe Kelly
2678ReunionReunionKyungjun Choi,Mitsuo HashimotoJoe Casey,Shelley Hoffman,Joe Kelly